Let's make Toy.


We strive to create works that makes everyone smile.
Toydium is a place where people with this goal come together.



  • 2023/03/29Company information updated(we've moved)
  • 2024/05/09New title "Gift" is available now!
  • 2023/07/14Products information updated

The latest information about our company can be found on our Facebook page.



Game development operations

Smartphone and Steam original game development, and joint development with third parties.

Enterainment development operations

Planning and development of apps for iOS/ Android / Web.


Development results

LondonGamesFestival 2023
Official Game Selection

gamescom 2023 Indie Arena Booth Selection

BIC Festival 2023 Selection


Escape from a sinking luxury cruise ship!
A 2.5D side-view action-adventure game.
Now on sale on Steam, PS5, Nintendo Switch,Xbox Series X|S!

Smash Party
Hero Action Game

Officers, a nefarious gang has taken over the town.
A hybrid casual action game with an interesting three-player party!


All contents are full-colored, many exclusive titles. Next types of comic app!
*Developped with HykeComic Inc.

Toydium Lab. is our in-house indie label designed to help materialize our member’s “fun” ideas.

BitSummit Let's Go!! 2023

GYAAR Studio
Indies Game Contest Award

Sky The Scraper

Roguelike action game where you play as a young man named Sky, chasing uncertain dreams as a high-rise cleaner. Launching in 2024.

Play Report by IGN JAPAN


CEO Yudai Nagano

Started his career as a web designer and shifted into a software engineer.
Involved in development of games for smartphones and feature phones in startups.
Joined GREE, Inc. in 2015.
Engaged in native game app development and promoted to management in 2016.
Promoted to development department senior manager in 2018.
Established Toydium in 2019.

CTOKoji Kakizawa

Graduated from Utsunomiya University and started his career as a hardware engineer.
After a stint as a firmware engineer, joined GREE as a software engineer in 2012.
Assigned the role of CTO of Toydium in 2020.


We are hiring on Wantedly.




Name Toydium Inc.
Address 3F S-glantz AKIHABARA, 1-7-2 Kandaizumicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Exectives CEO / Yudai Nagano
CTO / Koji Kakizawa
Business Details Game development operations
Establishment 7th August, 2019
Capital ¥16,000,000
Number of employees 44 as of October 2023
TEL (+81)3-5803-3593
Accounting advisor Soogol
Legal adviser Verybest LPC
Labor and Social security attorney Spot Sharoushi-kun
Main banks Resona Bank Ueno branch
Mizuho Bank Kanda branch
Tokyo City Shinkin Bank Akihabara branch
Kosan Shinkin Bank Akihabara branch
Asahi Shinkin Bank Head office
PayPay Bank Corporation
Information Security policy